Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What is Sacrifice

two heart shaped cups

What does it mean to sacrifice or to make a sacrifice in life? I have often wondered about this in life. And I have in a way seen it as depriving myself of something and equated that with sacrifice in the past. It seems like most of the world around us sees sacrifice that way - when we cut into our own wallet, when we have to spend an extra amount of time on something or someone instead of our own hobbies or ourselves, or even when we have to give up on something we like or give away something we treasure. We seem to see all those as sacrifices in life. And it took me a while to see that this is not everything there is to sacrifice. Sacrifice in this sense seems to always be inward focused, essentially a me first mentality and what I am losing out on in life. However, as we read in the Bible, this is not the type of sacrifice that God requires or is pleased with. Rather, God is looking for an action of good will and sharing, good will to others and sharing with others what you have. In a sense, this is to bless others. And when you think deeper about it, blessing others generally does take a bit of the focus away from ourselves. So in a sense, this is sacrifice. But the focus here is not on us, rather it is on the undercurrent of the action, a drive for love. When you sacrifice out of love, is that really a sacrifice? When I scale back on my own hobbies and ability to take on more work and rather spend the time, energy and money on my kids, is that a sacrifice? It may be a sacrifice in the sense that I get to do less of what I like or I don't get to spend as much time doing what I love for work but ultimately it isn't sacrifice 'cause I get to spend time with my kids. The sacrifice is all worth it.  So next time, when you feel as if you are sacrificing something in life, think about the blessings that you are imparting. To sacrifice is not about us but about blessing others.

Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices. Hebrews 13:16 HCSB http://bible.com/72/heb.13.16.HCSB

Friday, May 27, 2016

Other Voices: May 27, 2016

Articles that I have been reading this past week and found it to be profoundly helpful, thoughtful or challenging.
The Greatest False Idol of Modern Christianity - John Pavlovitz

One Metaphor That Taught Me Everything About Leadership - Paul Sohn

Church Planting for Your City for Your World - Jeff Christopherson

Remembering When I Hated Missional Communities - Logan Gentry

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Project 333: Week 1 Update

So it has been a whole week since I started on this journey of Project 333. For those that aren't sure what I am talking about, you can catch up: HERE.

Anyhow, it has been an interesting start. For this first week, it started off with a Bang!, everything was easy-peasy. The first few days didn't really yield any need for decision making as I just threw on the first T-shirt and jeans in the drawer. However, I did notice that as the week went by, that I was starting to having a limited number of choices of what to wear. And then came the weekend, this was where it got interesting, I ran out of T-shirts. So my decision is now on whether I want a polo or button-down short sleeve. Either way, this was when I realized that I can't just start throwing clothes on each day without thinking ahead of the week to come. So now, as I enter into the 2nd week, I have a done laundry and have a fresh set of clothes again and I have come to the realization that I may need to start planning a bit based on my calendar and events so as to not end up using something that I may need later. Either way, this experiment has been interesting to say the less and I think as I get a better handle on it I may start lowering the limit.

So till next time. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Underlying purpose

fire on a torch
What are our subliminal intentions in life's every action? What is the underlying drive in all that we do? Do we do it out of fear? Out of need? Out of a desire for someone or something in life? We all have something driving our each and every thought and action. We often don't realize it. We often just accept this drive to be a part of us. We don't analyze it. When was the last time you have analyzed your own actions and thoughts and tried to trace down the underlying drive and intention? I would confess that often times I don't reflect as often as I need to. And I have to also admit that when I do reflect, some of the answers I find are not particularly answers I would have wanted to see. I often find that intentions and actions are not as pure as they ought to be nor are they as selfless as they ought.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 HCSB http://bible.com/72/col.3.17.HCSB
This passage speaks directly to it, speaks directly to the fact that in everything we do and say, it needs to be done in the name of Jesus. So if that is the case, reflect back with me and think of some of the actions in the past day or so. How many of them were done or said for the sake of Jesus? How many of them were driven by the thanksgiving and grace of what Christ has done for us? I would admit that many of mine were not. And I am ashamed to say that this is a consistent battle. It is a battle of laying down my own drive, intentions and desires and allowing Christ to fill me to the point where my words and my actions speak of Him and Him only, where everything I do ends up being a form of praise and testimony to God. So join me in this. Challenge yourself to reflect and to repent and ultimately allow yourself to be filled with the Spirit more so that everything is ultimately done in Jesus' name.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


During a severe testing by affliction, their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed into the wealth of their generosity. I testify that, on their own, according to their ability and beyond their ability, they begged us insistently for the privilege of sharing in the ministry to the saints, and not just as we had hoped. Instead, they gave themselves especially to the Lord, then to us by God’s will. 2 Corinthians 8:2‭-‬5 HCSB http://bible.com/72/2co.8.2-5.HCSB
 This passage gripped me as I read it today. It gripped me at the sight to see a group of believers, a church, that was lacking in resources and was tested in their faith and life still giving beyond what they are able to because of their love and conviction in life and faith. This challenged me, it challenged me, to look at myself and the churches I have been a part of or even lead and how often we thought of what we have first and how we are able to stay afloat first before we look to the needs of others or to the greater Kingdom work of God. I have to confess that often times, I have looked to take care of my own ship first. I attest to the fact that often times I have lead churches to look after our own coffers and ability to do ministry first before looking at the needs of others. And this was all done in the name of financial stewardship. But here is the thing, as I meditated on this passage, I have come to realize these believers in Macedonia did as the Spirit lead them to do. The Spirit lead them in a spirit of generosity. A generosity based out of love and out of modelling God's generosity of love to us. This is deep. These people did not give out of excess rather they gave out of conviction. They had a conviction in supporting the work that was happening in the greater Kingdom and they were willing to sacrificially give for that. They were willing to make allowance and room within their own church needs so that it can bless the greater Kingdom. How many of our churches are willing to do that? Cut a particular ministry budget or run a leaner ship so that we can invest in the Kingdom. It is not about building our own little plot of kingdom but rather it is about building the Kingdom of God. We are blessed so that we can bless. This is true stewardship.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Intro: Project 333

For those that didn't know, I am a stickler for optimization. I love to work with systems and try to improve upon them. And another thing that I have been known for is attempting to live a minimalist life style. I will admit that it has not always worked in all areas of my life as I am also a pack-rat and apparently having kids throw part of that lifestyle out the window. I am one of those individuals that have things still in boxes from grade-school. Not that I still have much sentimental value to it but rather I just don't like throwing away stuff. And clothes has been one of those areas of my life that I have been very bad with. I have lots of clothes but in the past couple years I have noticed that I am normally cycling through only a few things that I prefer or like or feel matched well together or with me. To be honest, I have clothes from my elementary and high school days. They may not all fit properly. They are rather snug and quite a bit worn over the years. But the fact is I don't throw much out or better yet donate them like I should to someone that needs it more than I do.

Anyhow, recently I run into a site that was promoting a Project 333 Challenge. The premise of the challenge is that over the course of 3 months, you are only allowed to have 33 pieces of clothing items excluding gym-wear, sleep-wear, house-wear and underwear. So essentially it is 33 piece of clothing or accessories that you would wear when you are out doing life, whether just out for chores, work or leisure. And at the end of 3 months (season), you switch it out for seasonal things. Anyhow, I decided to take the plunge. I took the effort with the help of my wife to par down my clothes to 33 items. These are items that will serve for me when I work either in a more formal setting as a clergy or in the more informal setting of leading, teaching and mentoring and it will also allow me to professionally meet with professionals, officials and representatives of other organizations, government and companies. Also, these will be pieces that will serve for more casual days out with the kids and family. So it needs to be pretty versatile set of 33 pieces. Anyhow, it took about an hours but I feel I have it down.

Here is the list of things I have choose:
2 Polo shirts
2 Long sleeves button down shirts
3 Short sleeves button down shirts
1 Blazer
1 Long sleeves t-shirt
6 T-shirts
2 Blue jeans
1 Dress pants
1 Khaki pants
1 Cargo shorts
4 Pairs of shoes
2 Jackets
1 Zip-up hoodie
2 Track jackets
2 Belts (dress & casual)
1 Pair of flipflop
1 Baseball cap

Anyhow, wish me luck. I will keep everyone posted on how it goes and if I need to make any switching out of items midway through the 3 months cycle. It is my hope that this will help me filter out the used from the unused so that I can give away the ones I don't use to someone that would use it.

If you want more info about the challenge you can google up Project 333 or go here to this site: http://bemorewithless.com/project-333/

Growing in Love

 A prayer. How often do we pray to God asking for things that are happening in our life? Or for things that would make life easier? Or even for things to go a certain way? Or even for a friend that may be having a difficult time? And this is what got me and caught my heart while reading through this passage, Paul was writing to the Philippians, these were Christians that have been hurting and have been facing injustice, and while he was writing this, Paul himself was facing some trials of his own in prison. And this is what is important, I find, it is the fact that despite everything not going as one may hope or wish, Paul was still praying. And most of all he was praying in thankfulness to God and also praying that the church will continue to grow in love. Paul didn't pray for the pain to go away in life, rather he embraced it and pray for the joy that the trials brings. These are joy in the fact that as we experience trials and adversity, we see God working through it all. We are able to see God carrying us through. With this we are able to be cleansed and purified in a sense and be filled more with the Spirit.

And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can approve the things that are superior and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9‭-‬11 HCSB http://bible.com/72/php.1.9-11.HCSB

I'm not sure about you but reflecting on this passage, I can remember my life and some of the difficulties involved. I can remember during those times, all I can focus on was myself and the issues at head. It was always after the fact that I would come to the realization of what just happened and how God has actually carried me through and sheltered me from so much more in life. And this is the thing, when we focus internally, we often miss God in the storm. But if we remember to pray and to thank God for everything He has already done in the past, it helps to focus on what God is doing in the midst of the current storm. And we can praise Him in the storm and experience His love grow within us.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sharing Gospel and Life

We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 HCSB http://bible.com/72/1th.2.8.HCSB

 Sometimes as pastors we are asked to disciple people and what they actually meant was to create a few more Bible studies, lessons and classes so people can gain more knowledge. Over the years, I have found that this filling of knowledge has not done anyone any good. What is the point of knowing when you have never or don't know how to use that knowledge. It goes back to James and how it talks about needing both faith and works, faith without works is dead and works without faith is fruitless. And as I contemplate about this, I have come to the conclusion that the model Paul presents here is a perfect model for discipleship. In essence, this model is that of both sharing the Gospel and also life with others. That was what Paul did. And when you think about it, that was what Jesus did. Both taught. But more importantly, both lived with the people he was teaching, living through life and showing in a practical way what was being taught lived out in everyday life. The church Paul was discipling and the Apostle that Jesus was leading, they all benefited not only from learning but also having seen it lived out. The church saw Paul live out the Gospel that he was proclaiming and they saw how he followed through in the teaching of Jesus and the radical calling in life. And I have come to embrace that this is what discipleship is about. It is about laying out the Gospel and explaining it but it is balanced with living it out as an example for the ones being discipled.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Other Voices: May 13, 2016

Articles that I have been reading this past week and found it to be profoundly helpful, thoughtful or challenging. 
4 Qualities of Missional Movements Born at the Margin - Graham Hill

Amplifying Evangelism - Using Your Existing Ministries to Bless Your Community with the Gospel - Ed Stetzer

10 Reasons Young Leaders Shy Away from Established Churches - Chuck Lawless

Why Corporate Church Won't Work - Mike Breen

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 HCSB http://bible.com/72/heb.12.11.HCSB

 Discipline is never fun. I don't think it is supposed to be fun. Discipline is supposed to be hard and imposing in a sense. Cause when you think about it, what is the point of discipline? It is so that you can be formed toward a goal or an objective. And when you think about that idea of forming, to be formed is to be molded or to be cast. If we were metal and fluid then it would be easy to just be poured into the mold or the cast and be formed as we were meant to be. However, that is not life. Life is more like a block of metal that have been chipped at and burnt and melted by the different aspect of life and experiences. And the end product generally ain't all that pretty. You can probably imagine it as a haphazard concoction of parts. However, as we are called to discipleship and discipline in Christ. We are called to follow Christ and to imitate Him and a part of that is the idea of molding and conforming our life and mind to Him. And this is the part that gets most people, the molding and recasting is hard. Cause we need to be redone. We need to be in a sense reshaped and reoriented. And that will hurt. But we have been promised that the end product is worth it. It is worth it because we become whom God has made us to be and we are now able to do His will as He had intended for us. And I think this is the beauty of discipline. It hurts but its is worth it. It is much like going to the gym to punish and push your body consistently. At the end of the period of training, you will be fitter, stronger and better than what you went in with.

Saturday, May 07, 2016


people walking through life

we encouraged, comforted, and implored each one of you to walk worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. 1 Thessalonians 2:12 HCSB http://bible.com/72/1th.2.12.HCSB

This particular verse is an excerpt of a larger portion. However, it was this portion that stood out to me in particular but it is in understanding of the whole passage that creates the meaning. Through the whole passage in which this is a part of, you can see Paul's heart toward the Thessalonians. Paul had a heart of a father toward his children. And this was the thing that stood out to me as I was thinking and meditating through this passage. Paul had a missionary heart and he also had a pastoral heart. He had a heart of building up those around him. In particular he built those that were closest to him and also those in which he had a hand in bringing to faith. Paul had a heart to mentor the individuals and the churches in which he was a part of. And this is what stood out to me. Paul was a father-mentor figure.

Paul was a spiritual father for many and he was also a mentor for many. And it seems like the two goes hand in hand. Paul's way of discipleship with those in his life was that of being a father to them. It was not a person that dictated another nor a person that created another copy of himself. Rather Paul was a person that encourages, comforts and implore another person to essentially be the person God had intended them to be. And this is my take away as I was reading through this. Thinking back to all of my mentors, they were all people that have invested their life in to my. They have all in a sense become like a father-figure to me. They encouraged me when I felt lacking. They comforted me when I fell. And they implored me to be the best I can be, when I hesitated and doubted. They were there for me. They were their to guide me. They were there to see me grow closer to God and to becoming the man that God had intended me to be. And all this was not for the glory or honor of my mentors themselves but rather it was all to be pointed toward God.

This is the model of mentorship and discipleship Paul has exemplified. And this is the way that we have often seen in Christ's walk with the disciples. And this is the way that I will try to be for those that God have called within my circle of influence.

Friday, May 06, 2016

Other Voices: May 6, 2016

Articles that I have been reading this past week and found it to be profoundly helpful, thoughtful or challenging. 

10 Reasons Pastors Must Be Prayer Warriors - Nathan Busenitz

Some Thoughts on Mass Evangelism - Ed Stetzer

BLESS Missional Practices as a Sideways Step into Evangelism - Ed Stetzer

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Desires and purposes

foggy snow mountain

For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose. Philippians 2:13 HCSB http://bible.com/72/php.2.13.HCSB

We all have desires. We all have cravings. But the question often times is where are these desires and craving coming from. When you think about it, they often time come from one of two places: Internally, from within yourself or Externally, from someone else or circumstances in life. The Internal aspect of desires or cravings are generally a need to fill a void within your life or a need to achieve for your own satisfaction and fulfillment. And externally, it is often time a need to overcome or to show someone that you can perform. This is such a primal aspect of life when you think about it. It is in all of us and in a sense you can see it within the animals too.

However, as I was thinking through this passage, I realized that as Christians we have been given the Holy Spirit and that now there is this new factor in who or what dictate our desires and cravings and purpose. God is now a part of the equation. And the thing is, often times in life we still play by the two original factors before God came into our life. But God is here now and God is speaking. He is nudging us and giving us new desires. And when we follow through with these God-given desires we work for God's purposes and not our own or someone else anymore.

Lately, I have been noticing a lot of what I would call 'gut feelings' in life. And often times, I would ignore them and move on with my regular routine. However, in the past couple months, I have noticed that often times these feels were more prompting of God's Spirit, giving me a particular desire in order to do something or be prepared for something up ahead. And I realize this because in all those times I have not ignored these 'feelings' sometime miraculous and illogical would happen that can only be explained as God is at work. However, for those times, which are many, that I had ignored the feelings, I have found that I was in a more difficult situation or in a situation I was ill prepared for or I just missed out on an opportunity.

I guess the take away for this is this, God is working within us, He is prompting us with desires and cravings and when we follow through with this God given senses, we do God's will and fulfill His purpose.