Saturday, May 07, 2016


people walking through life

we encouraged, comforted, and implored each one of you to walk worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. 1 Thessalonians 2:12 HCSB

This particular verse is an excerpt of a larger portion. However, it was this portion that stood out to me in particular but it is in understanding of the whole passage that creates the meaning. Through the whole passage in which this is a part of, you can see Paul's heart toward the Thessalonians. Paul had a heart of a father toward his children. And this was the thing that stood out to me as I was thinking and meditating through this passage. Paul had a missionary heart and he also had a pastoral heart. He had a heart of building up those around him. In particular he built those that were closest to him and also those in which he had a hand in bringing to faith. Paul had a heart to mentor the individuals and the churches in which he was a part of. And this is what stood out to me. Paul was a father-mentor figure.

Paul was a spiritual father for many and he was also a mentor for many. And it seems like the two goes hand in hand. Paul's way of discipleship with those in his life was that of being a father to them. It was not a person that dictated another nor a person that created another copy of himself. Rather Paul was a person that encourages, comforts and implore another person to essentially be the person God had intended them to be. And this is my take away as I was reading through this. Thinking back to all of my mentors, they were all people that have invested their life in to my. They have all in a sense become like a father-figure to me. They encouraged me when I felt lacking. They comforted me when I fell. And they implored me to be the best I can be, when I hesitated and doubted. They were there for me. They were their to guide me. They were there to see me grow closer to God and to becoming the man that God had intended me to be. And all this was not for the glory or honor of my mentors themselves but rather it was all to be pointed toward God.

This is the model of mentorship and discipleship Paul has exemplified. And this is the way that we have often seen in Christ's walk with the disciples. And this is the way that I will try to be for those that God have called within my circle of influence.

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