Tuesday, May 10, 2016


No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 HCSB http://bible.com/72/heb.12.11.HCSB

 Discipline is never fun. I don't think it is supposed to be fun. Discipline is supposed to be hard and imposing in a sense. Cause when you think about it, what is the point of discipline? It is so that you can be formed toward a goal or an objective. And when you think about that idea of forming, to be formed is to be molded or to be cast. If we were metal and fluid then it would be easy to just be poured into the mold or the cast and be formed as we were meant to be. However, that is not life. Life is more like a block of metal that have been chipped at and burnt and melted by the different aspect of life and experiences. And the end product generally ain't all that pretty. You can probably imagine it as a haphazard concoction of parts. However, as we are called to discipleship and discipline in Christ. We are called to follow Christ and to imitate Him and a part of that is the idea of molding and conforming our life and mind to Him. And this is the part that gets most people, the molding and recasting is hard. Cause we need to be redone. We need to be in a sense reshaped and reoriented. And that will hurt. But we have been promised that the end product is worth it. It is worth it because we become whom God has made us to be and we are now able to do His will as He had intended for us. And I think this is the beauty of discipline. It hurts but its is worth it. It is much like going to the gym to punish and push your body consistently. At the end of the period of training, you will be fitter, stronger and better than what you went in with.

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