Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Project 333: Week 3 Update

blurred city light

It has now been three complete weeks since I started on this journey of Project 333. For those that aren't sure what I am talking about, you can catch up HERE for the original post and HERE for the Week 1 Update.

As noted during my Project 333 Week 1 Update, it seems to be easy-peasy and I noted that I may need to start planning ahead a bit so as to prevent running out of clothes when I need it. However, it seems like I did not take my own advice or more to the point I did not follow through on it. So to the point, this past weekend, I did run out of appropriate clothing.
So what happened? Well, apparently after Week 1, I had washed clothes and was able to essentially reset for the start of Week 2 however I ended up needing to do laundry a bit early during Week 2. Originally I thought this would be alright since it kind of reset the laundry schedule anyway but it was actually not the case. I actually ended up not doing laundry again until yesterday night which essentially meant I ran a few days longer than anticipated. And this was coupled with the fact that it was a relatively hot week and I had needed to change more often due to sweat and working on the yard. This seemed to deplete the clothing stock quite a bit. So by the time the weekend rolled around, all I had were collar shirts. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing except for that fact that the laundry basket last night when I had needed to wash it was actually only about 3/4 full. The only reason a wash was needed was because I had only one polo left for today and if I didn't wash last night or today then I would actually really run out of clean clothes.So now, looking back, the lesson is a need for more thoughtfulness of my schedule and also weather and potential activities for the week. In essence, I need to plan ahead a bit on my outfits and when I need to wash stuff. Which this kind of runs into the question of whether I should wash based on a weekly schedule (which is generally how long it takes to fill a basket) or more along the line of just whenever I seem to be running low on clothes (which could potentially mean more frequent washing). Anyhow, I will be seeing how this coming week goes as I will have three days in a row where I will be having different and more professional engagements that I haven't had in the past few weeks.

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