
Matthew Kwok

Matthew Kwok

An apprentice to the art of living and a student of the nature of humankind and the study of theology.

Matt is a father, son, husband, mentor, apprentice, sinner, saved. This is my personal blog, a place to gather my fragments of thoughts, ideas and insights. It is a place where I allow my imperfection and brokenness to show through rather than trying to have it all together. It is a place where I jog down snippets of my life, the highs and the lows. It is ultimately also a place that reminds me of God's goodness and grace.

It is a place about my journey in learning to pursue the simplicity of life in relationship, family and parenthood and how to leverage technology to get more out of living the parts of life that matters most, with the occasional introspective reflection. It is a place I hope to be able to add value to the world and to your life from what I have learned, experienced or observed.

I have been in Christian ministry in various positions and churches over the course of over ten years. Prior to that, I was a web developer and web media coordinator for a major private Big 12 Conference university and did various workshops and seminars on using web and social media to drive engagement within colleges and within the Big 12 Conference.

I love to hunt, practice archery, read and socialize with people. I also have an active interest in web development and game development. I am passionate about God, life, people and how it all comes together.

Matt is currently residing in Vancouver, Canada with his wife, two kiddos and bunny.