Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Project 333: Week 1 Update

So it has been a whole week since I started on this journey of Project 333. For those that aren't sure what I am talking about, you can catch up: HERE.

Anyhow, it has been an interesting start. For this first week, it started off with a Bang!, everything was easy-peasy. The first few days didn't really yield any need for decision making as I just threw on the first T-shirt and jeans in the drawer. However, I did notice that as the week went by, that I was starting to having a limited number of choices of what to wear. And then came the weekend, this was where it got interesting, I ran out of T-shirts. So my decision is now on whether I want a polo or button-down short sleeve. Either way, this was when I realized that I can't just start throwing clothes on each day without thinking ahead of the week to come. So now, as I enter into the 2nd week, I have a done laundry and have a fresh set of clothes again and I have come to the realization that I may need to start planning a bit based on my calendar and events so as to not end up using something that I may need later. Either way, this experiment has been interesting to say the less and I think as I get a better handle on it I may start lowering the limit.

So till next time. Enjoy.

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