Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Growing in Love

 A prayer. How often do we pray to God asking for things that are happening in our life? Or for things that would make life easier? Or even for things to go a certain way? Or even for a friend that may be having a difficult time? And this is what got me and caught my heart while reading through this passage, Paul was writing to the Philippians, these were Christians that have been hurting and have been facing injustice, and while he was writing this, Paul himself was facing some trials of his own in prison. And this is what is important, I find, it is the fact that despite everything not going as one may hope or wish, Paul was still praying. And most of all he was praying in thankfulness to God and also praying that the church will continue to grow in love. Paul didn't pray for the pain to go away in life, rather he embraced it and pray for the joy that the trials brings. These are joy in the fact that as we experience trials and adversity, we see God working through it all. We are able to see God carrying us through. With this we are able to be cleansed and purified in a sense and be filled more with the Spirit.

And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can approve the things that are superior and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9‭-‬11 HCSB

I'm not sure about you but reflecting on this passage, I can remember my life and some of the difficulties involved. I can remember during those times, all I can focus on was myself and the issues at head. It was always after the fact that I would come to the realization of what just happened and how God has actually carried me through and sheltered me from so much more in life. And this is the thing, when we focus internally, we often miss God in the storm. But if we remember to pray and to thank God for everything He has already done in the past, it helps to focus on what God is doing in the midst of the current storm. And we can praise Him in the storm and experience His love grow within us.

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