Friday, November 29, 2013

Lessons from 2013 Bowhunt

So it has been a few years since I bought my Bear Apprentice bow with the intention to hunt. And I have been practicing on and off with the bow since then, at least up to a proficiency and confidence level which I am comfortable to being able to hunt with and make ethical kills.

So the fall of 2013 marked my first season of bowhunting. I wished I am able to say that I have been able to harvest lots of meat and been able to stock up the freezer for the next year or so. But unfortunately for me, it was a quiet learning season for me. I was only able to go out on two short occasions and both being in unfamiliar and un-scouted territories, so the results are not too surprising that I was unable to get anything.

However, despite the lack of being able to harvest anything, I have been feeling very positive and happy about the over experience. It wasn't the result of the hunt that mattered. It was the experience and the ability to be in the woods and to learn to be one with nature that were important. In general, life have been so hectic in the last three years.

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