Friday, August 06, 2010

Revisiting the Macbook Pro Wifi Issue

Read about the original issue about the MacBook Pro Wifi issue HERE.

So in the last half year since I blogged about the WiFi issue concerning the Macbook Pro and its random connection drop, I have found a new and more permanent solution. I bought a new router. Bought a Linksys WRT54G2 router and installed DD-WRT on it. So far in the last 2 weeks of wireless usage, I have not experience any connection drop or issues. So my theory on the WiFi instability and drop is due to hardware incompatibility between the WiFi card installed in the Macbook Pro and that of the router's chipset. So for those of you out there that is still experiencing problems, buy a new router. I know it is not the most economical solution but it helps with the stress level incurred due to the random connection issues when you really need the internet.

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