Friday, July 02, 2010

iOS4 for the iPod Touch battery non-issue

Anyhow, don't know if anyone has notice but probably have been wondering. If you own a previous generation of the iPod Touch and have recently updated to iOS4 you may have noticed that your battery life doesn't quite live up to the original state or potential that was present in iOS3.x.x.

So as to recap, over the course of the past week and a bit I have noticed that my iPod Touch tend to require charging more often. Generally, I would recharge every 2-3 days previously when I use it to listen to mp3, play a couple games, twitter, facebook, check email and also using it as a PDA. However without changing my usage habits I have noticed that I needed to charge the iPod every night or sometimes in the middle of the afternoon. This got to me to wondering if there was something wrong with the device for the massive battery drain. So, I decided to do some investigating on the Apple Support Forum and found that this problem is plaguing quite a number of people. There was a lot of work around solutions that entails turning off Push, Notification, Auto Fetching of Emails, WiFi, etc. However, these are inherently work-around. In reality there should be a problem or issue, considering that this issue did not arise until after the iOS4 update. So with further investigation and digging I found that a complete reformat and reinstall of iOS4 on the iPod as a clean installation may do the trick. And guess what, it did do the trick. Although, this would also mean that any previous data backup is now null. So you may want to proceed with caution before trying this as a fix, if you are likewise plagued by this vampirish issue.

After this fix, my iPod Touch has regained it battery life to similar level before the iOS upgrade. I am guessing that there was a bump on the upgrade that wasn't noted before that left some bits and pieces that was messing with the battery usage and consumption.

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