Monday, April 18, 2016


I do not call you slaves anymore, because a slave doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from My Father. John 15:15 HCSB

Just dwelling on this passage, letting it sink in, it is quite amazing. Just think of it, God is God and we are created. The creator and the created are on two completely different plane of thoughts and purpose. Yet, God is willing not to tell and command us to do as He say but rather He has brought us into a relationship with Him in which He explains and invite us as a partner in His work. This blows my mind. It is not because we are worthy to be a partner in His work nor because He needs us, rather it is a choice of displaying love that He does so. In a sense, He is willing to allow for our brokenness and our slowness to become a part of His work and plan. He is allowing for us to be a partner and to take ownership in His work.

Stepping back, what does this mean for us in life? A couple weeks back, my son and his grandfather was working in the yard. They were building a retaining wall out of stone blocks for the flower and grass. It was interesting to see my dad allow my son to work with him and allow for my son to set the pace. It would have been faster and more perfect in construction if my dad was to do it himself but instead he invited and allow a 4 year old to work alongside and to in a sense set the pace of things and to allow for mistakes and imperfections to creep in. Thinking back, this is how life is with God and us and in a way this is how we are to be as a church and as individuals. It isn't about efficiency but rather about the relationships and ownership through partnership in life and purpose.

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