Monday, January 04, 2010

Snow Leopard WiFi Update

Read about the original post about the problem HERE.

Well, I'm still over vacationing and staying at my in-law's place. And I have yet to experience another drop on the wireless network. However, I did end up changing a few options within the modem/router. The options that I changed was G-Channel only, changes from WPA to WPA2, and changed the channel from 6 to 11, since channel 6 was rather crowded by a couple of the neighbor's wireless routers. Aside from these three simple changes nothing else was touched. I was rather surprised that there wasn't any more issues forth coming that required further tweaking or investigation. As such, I am still at a lost as to the cause of the frequent connection drop at home. Tomorrow, I will be able to see if my home network is still afflicted and hopefully post more updates concerning it.

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