Thursday, December 17, 2009

Follow up to Snow Leopard WiFi woes

Read Post Related to this Update Here

So anyhow, one of the odd things that I have noticed concerning the WiFi drop issue on the Mac OSX 10.6.2 was that it is seems to be router specific. As stated in my previous post, there hasn't been any issue with WiFi dropping while I am over at my school. To compound this mystery as to how and when a drop would occur is that I have not had any issues in the last 2-3 days at my in-law's, since the wife and I are out of town vacationing and visiting them. WiFi over at there house seems to be pretty rock stable. Have been able to achieve a pretty good download and upload speed along with a pretty low ping on the network. And this is coupled with their home network being a bit more complex, since the box that serve as the wireless access point is also a dsl/cable modem combo with a 4-port physical LAN router and also a USB external harddrive server, although they don't actually have a drive attached. maybe having this one box as the central hub is actually more efficient and better than my multi-box setup. anyhow, this box services a VoIP box, that provide the house's only phone line, a desktop computer and a TV-over-IP box. So I would have to say that although the physical network is simpler in its layout, the bandwidth pull and data-throughput that is achieved is probably as much as if not greater than my home network.  But, yes the surprising thing is that I'm able to achieve a stable and consistent connection.

Anyhow, another thing of note is that both my home wireless router and the wireless gateway, at my in-laws, are both made by D-Link. Which, I would have to say hasn't always been the most stable and greatest of network equipment brand and manufacturer. But I guess every so often there is a sour-grape and a box that actually work and does what it was designed to and advertised.

But yes, I will update if the situation with the wireless seems to change for the worst or maybe it fixes itself when I return home in a couple weeks.

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