Thursday, October 20, 2016

Taking time out

Taking some time out and away from it all. Don't we all dream about this? I'm not talking about just a vacation or a trip. I'm talking about taking some time out and walking away from life.

Why walk away from life? Life is always moving and going. Life doesn't ever take a break. So the question and often the guilt is 'Can I afford to just walk away?'

And my answer for you is yes, you absolutely need to take a step away from life every so often and you can't afford not to. You can't afford to keep going. You can't afford to keep up with the race and pace of life. You must stop, drop and walk.

So why am I such a strong advocate for this? Because when we keep going and running, we often lose sight of what we are doing and why we are doing it. Or for some, we become so absorbed in what we are doing that we haven't taken the time to see what we have done. We need to step back and reassess. Reassess what we are doing. Reassess where we are going. Reassess if it is worth it. Reassess how and what we need to change to realign ourselves.


So what have I gotten from taking these 'steps back' and 'time outs' in life? I have gained clarity. I have gained a healthier psyche and spirituality in life. I have gained more energy to pursue what I feel called to do. I have been able to improve the relationships around me.

Without the step back, you wouldn't know what is wrong. Without the step back, you wouldn't know what it is that is great and central in your life.

So my challenge for you is this, take an intentional step back and intentionally schedule it in your life. How do I do this?

  1. Schedule in your time away. Set aside the time on your calendar. Doesn't have to be long, but enough for you to focus and refocus.

  2. Inform those closest around you why you are doing this and what it is for.

  3. Use that time to contemplate and reflect. Use it to meditate and pray.

  4. Write/Draw. Have a log/journal and write or doodle out your thoughts. It isn't so much for you to read but for you to just release your brain and its burdens.

  5. Lastly, take what you have learned about yourself and the renewed energy you gained and put them toward the things that matter in life, your family, yourself and your calling.

This is what some call taking a Sabbath or a Sabbatical. You need it.

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