Friday, September 30, 2016

Core Words: Baseline of Faith

A while back I blogged about why faith was an important aspect of my life by asking the question 'Why bother?' (Catch up here) This post isn't about why faith, but about how faith forms a premise for my life. If integrity was the aim and formational ideal of life, then faith is the foundation and premise upon which life is built.

Everyone wants to be their own man or woman. We all want to be in control and be the boss of our lives. But the question is, "Are we actually in control and are we actually the boss of our own life? Or is there something else?" This is a deep introspective and reflective question. A question that goes to the core of our being. And the answer will drive a lot of who we are, what we are, and what we do.

Whether we accept it or not, we are bound to something. We are driven by something. We have a baseline set to something. We call this the framework or worldview of our being. We call this a guide to our decision-making process. We call this the drive for which we live.

Some of us are driven by a larger paycheque. Some of us are driven by the people around us, our family, our kids, our friends. We are driven to show them we have succeeded or that we are worthwhile. Some of us are driven by the accolade of success and the fame that society or a subset of society will heap on us. Some of us are driven by the quietness of our soul and we may seek to be one with nature and away from others. Everyone is driven and is working for something personal to them. This something in a sense, forms the basis and baseline of their life. Some are more noble than others and some are more selfish than others. But regardless, we are driven by something.

So the question is, "What is forming your baseline?"

For me, my baseline is faith. Faith is what drives me. I'm not talking about a vague faith or spirituality of living. I'm talking about a faith in which I have experienced change and transformation in life. A faith that I would argue is alive and living. A faith that isn't about me or myself or my will but a faith that is larger and bigger. A faith in a creator. A being that is larger, more powerful and incomprehensible by our finite human minds. A being that has set up the premise of what it means to live a good life, be a good father, be a good husband, be a part of a community and the world in which we live. A faith in which we are driven not by fear of failure or a lack of acceptance but by a reaction to a love given, a grace bestowed when not deserved. Faith is a relationship with this creator, saviour.

Faith is a radical thing to pick as a baseline for life. One of those things in life where it's less about pursuing and more about being. IA baseline that we allow to change and mold our life, to drive us and to form the premise of our operation. A baseline also changes our perspective from ultimately vying for control to handing over the wheel of life to someone else. It is in this allowance that what we build on is not something we built ourselves but something greater, something bigger.

Your baseline forms and molds you. It's the foundation upon which your life is built. The one thing that you can still hold on to when everything in life crumbles and falls apart.

So the question is, "What is your baseline? What is your foundation?" Can this foundation and baseline withstand the shocks, twists and storms of life?

My baseline has and still continues to hold and carry me through even when all else has failed. Has yours?

(This is part 5 of 5 pertaining to the ideal of Core Words.)

Part 1: Defining and Knowing Yourself

Part 2: What is Integrity

Part 3: Baseline of Faith

Part 4: Family

Part 5: Duty


Core Words: Defining and knowing yourself - A Small Seed said...

[…] Part 3: Baseline of Faith […]

Core Words: Family - A Small Seed said...

[…] have looked at integrity as the destination and goal for everything I do. We have looked at how faith undergirds everything as the foundation and the reason for everything I do and every decision I […]