Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Why Faith?

lone car driving through a forest

I get this question a lot of times, and I would say, I have asked this question myself. And I actually challenge people to ask this of themselves. Why Faith? Why believe in anything? Or better yet, the question is why do you believe in what you believe?

I would say for me it has been a journey of life up to this point and it has consistently pointed me toward something greater. I'm not sure about you, nor would I want to make an assumption on your behalf, but I do know that we are all working through life looking for purpose and for meaning.

For me this has consistently been found in what I would term as faith. Faith is not the same as religion. Faith is not the idea of ethical or moral standards. Rather, faith has been for me a coming to terms that I can't do it alone and I need someone or something greater, someone or something beyond this life. For me, it was at the pit of life, it was at the darkest point when things seemingly aren't working. It was at a point where I questioned everything that I had been working for. It was in a state where I found myself spiralling downward into a darkness of the mind and soul.

It was in this darkness and pit that I found faith.

It was here that I found that I am only human. And as great as our human-race has been in advancing civilization and technology, it has seemingly never answered the deepest question of the soul, that of why we exist, or more specifically why I exist. It was in this pit that I found faith, an answer to this deep question. Does it answer all other questions? Not directly but it does speak toward them and forms a premise, a foundation, a framework to understand, explore and work with.

Faith for me is a relationship. A relationship with a creator, a God, a father. It is with an entity that is beyond me but one that loves me, one that wishes the best for me in life, one that guides me for my growth and my benefit, One that leads me upon the journey and path of life.

It is the idea that you are not alone anymore. You are carried. You are guided. You are overseen.

Faith brought this all for me. When you look at the definition of faith in the dictionary, it's the idea of believing in something that is not based on proof, it's the idea of placing trust or confidence on something. I can't prove that God exists or that God has a particular interest in us. But what I can say is that I have experienced it in my life and one can't say what I experienced is false or faked. Just like I trust that your experience in life is just that.

I have experienced what faith can do and where faith has brought me. And for me that is enough. That is what faith is.

What about you? What is your story and thoughts on faith?

This is what the Lord , your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says: I am Yahweh your God, who teaches you for your benefit, who leads you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17 HCSB http://bible.com/72/isa.48.17.HCSB

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