Friday, June 24, 2016

Weekend Reads: June 24, 2016

Weekend Reading

Articles that I have been reading this past week and found it to be profoundly helpful, thoughtful or challenging and want to share it with you for your weekend reads.
My Mercedes Went to Missions - Cameron Doolittle
An intriguing article about the drive for spending less and having less for the sake of giving more away.

Biblical Hospitality - Sara Barton
An exploration of what happens when Christians stopped spending all their time with other Christians but rather with non-Christians and starting to invited them over for meals and hanging out.

The 18-Minute Ritual that will Maximize Productivity - Paul Sohn
A system of self-reflection and guidance in productivity in which you try to layout the goals and question yourself in your ability to work toward them.

5 Signs You're an Insecure Leader - Carey Nieuwhof
A short article listing some of the traits of insecure leaders.

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