Friday, June 17, 2016

Weekend Reads: June 17, 2016

Weekend Reading

Articles that I have been reading this past week and found it to be profoundly helpful, thoughtful or challenging and want to share it with you for your weekend reads.

Whatever you do, don't quit your job to pursue your passion - Janelle Quibuyen
Warns of the lack of transparency of entrepreneurship and how it is often envisioned as an overnight success or celebrated as the goal of all workers when in essence it is a journey undertaken and undergirded often by those already in a position or privileged enough to do so.

The danger of high-functioning depression as told by a college student - Amanda Leventhal
Explores the risk of how often high-functioning depression individuals are slipping under the radar and how we need to change the perception of mental illness so that everyone can benefit from treatment and counselling.

Special Video Feature: Underground Chef Reveals All - Christopher Cheung
A short article exploring the rise of the underground meal sharing scene in which strangers are invited to a hobby chef's home and is presented with a meal.

The Housing Problem Isn't Supply, it unsustainable foriegn demand- Josh Gordon
An exploration into the rise in housing cost and price in the Metro Vancouver and Toronto area, pin pointing at the fact that the rise in cost does not correlate with the rise in population/demand but rather is highly influence by outside demand that is not local.

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