Friday, June 10, 2016

Weekend Reads: June 10, 2016

weekend reading

Articles that I have been reading this past week and found it to be profoundly helpful, thoughtful or challenging and want to share it with you for your weekend reads.

What are some startup ideas that Frequently Fail?
An exploration of why and what kind of start up having a higher failure rate, answered by various entrepreneurs and investors.

The Gender Gap in Religion Arouud the World - Pew Research Forum
A look at home the religiousity and spirituality is broken down by gender across the world. Interesting insight in what each gender seems to need or is looking for.

3 Words You Should Drop From Your Leadership Vocabulary Starting Now - Carey Nieuwhof
3 key words that often under mind our communications as leaders and how to change it.

Vancouver Millennials Hit Hard in Real Estate Frenzy - The Canadian Press
An exploration into the plight of the Millennials in Vancouver and how they are being priced out of housing.

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